delete instruction bug

Status: Accepted

Created by Arotaritei Vlad 18 Jun 2011 15:45

rating: 0+x

**STE **


18 Jun 2011 15:55. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I tried to reproduce it on Mac OS X 10.6.7 but can't see the problem. I'll have a go on Windows 7 tomorrow. If someone else is able to reproduce this, please post here.

As for the "1942" font - is this located at the very top of the drop-down list in your Settings dialog? Which font do you usually use, and whereabouts (roughly) is this located in the list?

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)

Arotaritei Vlad

19 Jun 2011 11:35. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I'm using just Arial. I have 82 fonts on my computer. And yes "1924 report" is at the top of the fonts list.

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


19 Jun 2011 22:58. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I'll mark as accepted but haven't had a chance to try reproducing it for myself yet. Can't fix until I'm able to reproduce it with the debugger running at the same time.

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)

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