Extension instruction: copy pages

Status: New request

Created by leiger 20 Dec 2010 12:06

rating: +2+x

**STE **

(user deleted)

22 Dec 2010 06:53. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
I think this will be a great feature. If implemented properly, it could be another form of a package installer. For example, it would be awesome to have an extension that could automatically create the pages required for a blog or no comment forum framework. Combining this with variable substitution would give us a very powerful tool for creating pretty extensive extensions (say that 10 times fast!)

As long as pages are on a public site you can import them into STE with the API, even if you are not a member of that site (I just tested to confirm). If I understand the security correctly, you just need to be a member of the site you want to export pages to and have proper permissions set.

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


22 Dec 2010 07:17. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)
That would be the HAMMER!

I often miss the possibility to Copy a COMPLETE SET of pages ( a full "category" bunch of pages ) or a lilst of pages…

Fine would be the "Move" to a new category too ( deleting the old one in a second step after comfirmation of the successfull move)

if this would be in the same site or to another is another question…

Ed has said - this would create a new tooll for packaging "downloads".( which are than not downloads but API-"ONLINE" work..)

Wow, what a drive comes up!


Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)


22 Dec 2010 08:23. Edited 0 times. (Edit, Permalink)

Ed Johnson:
As long as pages are on a public site you can import them into STE with the API, even if you are not a member of that site (I just tested to confirm).

I remember reading somewhere on the API development site that this won't be the case forever - eventually API calls will be restricted to site members only, and the administrators will be able to set permissions (choosing between read-only or read-and-write).

That would be the HAMMER!
I often miss the possibility to Copy a COMPLETE SET of pages ( a full "category" bunch of pages ) or a lilst of pages…

With a feature such as the one being requested here, plus the ability to ask the user of an extension for a value (e.g. which categories they want to copy from) … exactly what you are saying will be possible :)

Included page "inc:signature" does not exist (create it now)

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